A report said that hundreds of asylum-seekers in Scotland, including children and pregnant women, were being left completely destitute with no support, nowhere to live, and no way of returning home safely.
Source: Morag Gillespie, Trapped: Destitution and asylum in Scotland, Scottish Poverty Information Unit (Glasgow Caledonian University)
Links: Report | SRC press release
Date: 2012-Oct
An article examined the role of state-funded Catholic schools in debates about the causes and manifestations of sectarianism in Scotland. It highlighted the need to recognize the specific social, spatial, and political contexts (both national and local) within which faith schools were situated. Educational policy responses to sectarianism in Scotland had focused on disrupting the spatial ordering of faith schools.
Source: John Flint, 'Catholic schools and sectarianism in Scotland: educational places and the production and negotiation of urban space', Policy Futures in Education, Volume 10 Number 5
Links: Abstract
Date: 2012-Oct
The human rights watchdog in Scotland examined the realization of human rights in Scotland in comparison with international standards. Although Scotland had made notable progress, it could do better. Outcomes for people were often inconsistent, and there were other 'gaps' that should and could be filled.
Source: Getting it Right? Human rights in Scotland, Scottish Human Rights Commission
Links: Report | Summary | SHRC press release
Date: 2012-Oct
An article examined progress by the new devolved legislatures in applying the participative-democratic model of equality mainstreaming to policy-making. 'System openness' had afforded opportunities to engage in – and influence – policy work: but problems and shortcomings were also identified, signifying a 'disconnect' between the rhetoric and reality of mainstreaming.
Source: Paul Chaney, 'New legislative settings and the application of the participative-democratic model of mainstreaming equality in public policy making: evidence from the UK's devolution programme', Policy Studies, Volume 33 Number 5
Links: Abstract
Date: 2012-Oct
A report by a committee of MSPs highlighted repeated failures in access to health and social care for the Gypsy/Traveller community in Scotland.
Source: Gypsy/Travellers and Care, 3rd Report 2012, SP Paper 184, Scottish Parliament Equal Opportunities Committee
Links: Report | Scottish Parliament press release | Inside Housing report
Date: 2012-Sep
The Scottish Government announced (following consultation) that it intended to legislate to allow same-sex marriage.
Source: Press release 25 July 2012, Scottish Government | Lucy Robertson, Registration of Civil Partnerships Same Sex Marriage: Consultation Analysis, Scottish Government
Links: Scottish Government press release | Consultation analysis | Amnesty press release | CARE press release | SEC press release | STUC press release | BBC report | Christian Institute report | Guardian report | PinkNews report | Telegraph report
Date: 2012-Jul
The Supreme Court ruled that cohabitants in Scotland could apply for financial provisions when they had suffered economic disadvantage in the event of their relationship with a partner coming to an end.
Source: Gow v Grant, UKSC 29 (2012), United Kingdom Supreme Court
Links: Judgement | Irwin Mitchell press release
Date: 2012-Jul
Two linked reports highlighted continued discrimination against Scotland's Gypsy/Traveller community by both local authorities and the media.
Source: On the Margins: Local authority service provision for Scottish Gypsy Travellers, Amnesty International Scotland | Caught in the Headlines: Scottish media coverage of Scottish Gypsy Travellers, Amnesty International Scotland
Links: Report (1) | Report (2) | BBC report
Date: 2012-Apr
A report examined women's representation in the Scottish and Welsh parliaments after the 2011 elections. It said that all the major political parties had failed to do enough to promote gender equality.
Source: Women s Representation in Scotland and Wales, Electoral Reform Society/Centre for Women and Democracy
Links: Report | Guardian report
Date: 2012-Mar
The Offensive Behaviour at Football and Threatening Communications (Scotland) Act was given Royal assent. The Act created new offences of: offensive and threatening behaviour expressed at and around football matches that was likely to cause public disorder; and the communication of threats of serious harm, or which were intended to stir up religious hatred, on the internet or other communications.
Source: Offensive Behaviour at Football and Threatening Communications (Scotland) Act 2012, Scottish Parliament, TSO
Links: Act | Scottish Government press release
Date: 2012-Jan